Social protection response to Covid-19 and beyond
Lessons learned for adaptive social protection. A series of 7 working papers and corresponding podcasts.
In response to the COVID-19 crisis, an unprecedented number of social protection measures have been launched by countries worldwide. Policy adjustments and innovations under way include efforts to address social protection gaps and expand support in the immediate instance. They also present opportunities and risks for longer-term social protection policy and system development. The GIZ Global Programme Social Protection Innovation and Learning (SPIL) commissioned ODI on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) to examine social protection measures adopted since the onset of the pandemic, with the aims of promoting policy learning and helping ensure countries are better equipped with inclusive, adaptive and sustainable social protection systems moving forward. The findings of this research are published as a series of seven working papers and corresponding podcasts, focusing on adaptive social protection measures for population groups particularly negatively affected by the COVID-19 crisis such as informal workers, women, urban dwellers and refugees.
multiple authors, see individual working papers for details