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The African Advanced Vaccinology course, Afro-ADVAC 2023, was held recently in South Africa

Podcast: Building Africa’s vaccinology expertise and leadership

Expanding vaccine production in Africa, now a key objective for the continent, will require a highly skilled workforce with the necessary expertise. This is why BACKUP Health is supporting vaccine production-related further education and training through the University of the Witwatersrand in South Africa. The recent African Advanced Vaccinology course is one example.

Podcast: Building Africa’s vaccinology expertise and leadership Mehr lesen

Luthfi Azizatunnisa in her wheelchair

Reimagining health systems for a billion people with disabilities

With much publicity, the world’s population reached eight billion on 15th November 2022. What has been much less publicised is that at least a billion of these people live with disabilities – an enormous group that, according to the just launched WHO Global Report on Health Equity for Persons with Disabilities, is often underserved or overlooked when it comes to health care.

Reimagining health systems for a billion people with disabilities Mehr lesen

Waling Municipal Recovery Center (c) Giz Umong Shahi

Tackling healthcare waste on the top of the world

Not long ago in Nepal, like in many other lower-middle income countries, healthcare waste – from personal protective equipment, such as gloves and gowns, to used swabs and bandages, expired drugs, needles, laboratory reagents and chemicals – was simply dumped behind health facilities, mixed with general waste and sent to landfills, or openly burned.

Tackling healthcare waste on the top of the world Mehr lesen

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