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As part of their bilateral and multilateral work, German development programmes and their partners work on different types of publications, reports and studies through which they share new insights and data. Healthy Developments makes these publications available to a wider audience. 

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Sustainable Vaccines Large
A business case simulation for Fill & Finish Contract Manufacturing in Africa
Writer: David Honba & Benoit Gregoire (Unizima)
Catalyst Dialogue Health Financing
Financing Health for All in the context of scarcity
Writer: Corinne Grainger
Why Gender Matters Study
Recommendations for gender-sensitive programming
Writer: Meg Davis and Fumi Kurihara
Catalyt Dialogue
A holistic understanding of health strengthens climate action
Writer: Mary White-Kaba & Anna von Roenne
Towards Global Health Architecture
Insights from a debate on where we stand, what must change and how Germany can contribute.
Writer: Clemens Gros
On Demand Up To Date
Dynamic inclusion and data updating for social assistance
Writer: Valentina Barca and Madhumitha Hebbar
Concept Note Giz
Promoting resilience in Indonesia, a particularly disaster-prone country
Writer: ASP expert team within the GIZ Social Protection programme (Indonesia)
How Disaster Risk Finance Can Link With Social Protection
Maximising the effectiveness of shock response
Writer: Zoe Scott; contributions from Veronika Bertram (KfW), Stefan Beierl (GIZ), and Johanna Knoess (GIZ/KfW)
Bangladesh Rmg Sector
A study commissioned by the Bangladesh-German Employment Injury Protection Scheme for Workers in the Textile and Leather Industries Programme (EIPS)
Writer: Michael Thiede
Nepals Menstrual Movement
How ‘MenstruAction’ is making life better for girls and women in Nepal — month after month
Writer: Ruth Evans, Valerie Broch Alvarez
Social Protection Response Covid 19
Lessons learned for adaptive social protection. A series of 7 working papers and corresponding podcasts.
Writer: multiple authors, see individual working papers for details
Towards More And Better Jobs In Health
German support for human resources in health: Lessons and recommendations
Writer: Technical Lead: Esther Werling, supported by Regina Winter. Contributors (in alphabetical order): Michael Adelhardt, Achille Bela, Sanja Kruse, Massa Mamay, Michaela Michel-Schuldt, Laura Nieweler, Anna- Maria Pufal, Nee-Alah Varpilah, Antonia Wellmann. Editor: Anna von Roenne
Collaboration with private sector_sector network Asia Eastern Europe_2020
A stocktaking exercise and the issues it raises
Writer: Anna von Roenne, Ruth Evans
Extending Work Related Sp To Informal Workers In Pakistan
Summary of a scoping study by Martina Bergthaller
Writer: Dr. Mary White Kaba
Working Partnership Shp Pakistan
A closer look at German-supported capacity development measures
Writer: Karen Birdsall
No Time To Waste
Transforming healthcare waste management for a healthier, more sustainable Nepal
Writer: Karen Birdsall
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