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Health and gender

Global Health And Bodily Autonomy A Short Film

Global Health and bodily autonomy- a short film by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

Poor sanitation comes with a cost – it affects the affected individuals’ and populations’ health status and their productivity. Zambia, for example, loses 1.3 percent of GDP due to public health impacts of poor sanitation which results in child malnutrition, illness and premature death.

Global Health and bodily autonomy- a short film by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) Mehr lesen

Waiting to see the doctor at Osh FMC

Getting Kyrgyz women the antenatal care they’re entitled to: Closing the gap between paper and practice

Pregnant women in Kyrgyzstan are entitled to a basic package of antenatal care services through the country’s national social health insurance. Yet accessing these services can be like navigating an obstacle course. A German-supported project is raising women’s awareness of their rights and making it easier for pregnant women who are uninsured to get covered.

Getting Kyrgyz women the antenatal care they’re entitled to: Closing the gap between paper and practice Mehr lesen

Mini Dialogue During Hibiscus Harvest 3

The Generation Dialogue in Egypt: Creating space for conversations about the persistence of Female Genital Mutilation

In Minya Governate, the Generation Dialogue exceeded all expectations: ‘I never could have imagined that I would see young women stand up at a public meeting and speak openly before older members of the community.’

The Generation Dialogue in Egypt: Creating space for conversations about the persistence of Female Genital Mutilation Mehr lesen

Women And Man Cooking

Planting seeds of change in India: How communal gardening and learning about nutrition improves families’ lives and transforms gender roles

In the central Indian states of Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra a gender-transformative project is breaking the cycle of malnutrition to empower women, through knowledge and employment, to access a balanced range of nutritious home-grown foods for their children, themselves and their families.

Planting seeds of change in India: How communal gardening and learning about nutrition improves families’ lives and transforms gender roles Mehr lesen

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