The German Last Mile Initiative supports local health departments in South Africa to provide mobile vaccination and health outreach services in populated peri-urban settlements and urban townships. Funding is provided through the HIV Prevention II project implemented by the KfW Development Bank. The project finances the services of mobile health teams which implement target-group specific campaigns, distribute information and provide other basic health services. It also procures mobile clinic vehicles which enable health stations to systemically improve and maintain clinical outreach services in peri-urban settlements and urban townships where poor access to health services is reflected in low vaccination rates. The services are accompanied by sensitisation and information activities through the ‘Ke Ready’ campaign targeting young people. With financing from the Initiative, 37 outreach trucks are being procured and campaign teams are being hired which will enable 2.5 million people to be reached with mobile services and 420,000 vaccinations to be provided.
- Executing project: HIV Prevention II – Support
- Implementing organisation: KfW Development Bank
- Commissioned by: Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
- Local partners: National Department of Health and DG Murray Trust
- Funding: EUR 14 m from Last Mile Initiative (in addition to EUR 13 m core funding)
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