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Mobile vaccination and communication campaigns in Tanzania

13 Giz Tanzania (c) Apolinary Rutakuburwa

The German Last Mile Initiative bolsters the national vaccination campaign of Tanzania through awareness activities, community education campaigns and mobile vaccination offers. GIZ implements the financed measures through the Improving Health Care Provision in Tanzania project, working in partnership with the Benjamin Makapa Foundation and AMREF Tanzania. 

With funding from the Initiative, the project supports awareness campaigns which provide accurate information about COVID-19 vaccinations and aim to debunk vaccination myths. In parallel, it organises vaccination points at large public events and hosts community-based outreach clinics which offer a broad range of health services, including COVID-19 vaccination. Accompanying these measures are door-to-door outreach efforts to sensitise at-risk individuals to the benefits of COVID-19 vaccination. Health workers, community and religious leaders, local authorities and volunteers are engaged in these efforts to ensure that vaccination offers are extended to all eligible residents. Through the information campaign and door-to-door outreach activities, 730,000 people were sensitised to the benefits of COVID-19 vaccinations. More than 400,000 people have been vaccinated against COVID-19.

  • Executing project: Improving Health Care Provision in Tanzania 
  • Implementing organisation: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH 
  • Commissioned by: Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development 
  • Local partner: Ministry of Health 
  • Funding: EUR 1 m from Last Mile Initiative (in addition to EUR 14.35 m core funding) 
  • Contact:
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