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Let’s Talk Demography: Why population dynamics matter for sustainable development

Let’s Talk Demography: Why population dynamics matter for sustainable development

Healthy DEvelopments presents a dialogue series that explores how population dynamics impact key development areas, including social protection, food security and employment promotion. The “Let’s Talk Demography” series provides insights on how to address related challenges in these areas and how to promote sustainable progress.

There are currently over eight billion people on the planet. While the population is already ageing or even shrinking in some world regions, it is still growing in others – especially in sub-Saharan Africa. Demographic trends such as a growing young and rural population, quickly progressing urbanisation, and shifting migration movements shape the specific contexts in Germany’s partner countries in Africa. In the face of this, the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), GIZ and the Berlin Institute for Population and Development jointly launched the “Let’s Talk Demography” series, which addresses the complex interplay between population dynamics and different sectors of international cooperation.

The event series focuses on how demographic shifts influence essential aspects of development, including food security, social protection, and employment opportunities. Every event is centred around a factsheet published by the Berlin Institute for Population and Development. During the one-hour virtual exchange, experts present key findings, good practice examples and recommendations that can help create impactful change in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Event #1: Population dynamics and social protection

On 6 February 2024, the first event of the “Let’s Talk Demography!” series took place virtually via MS Teams, focusing on population dynamics and social protection. Dr. Annette van Edig, Catherina Hinz, and Kristin Nawrath, experts from German development cooperation and academia, discussed the impact of demographic changes on social security systems and vice versa with the participants, using examples from sub-Saharan Africa. The event, hosted by BMZ, GIZ, and the Berlin Institute, featured presentations on how social protection measures can reduce poverty, improve family planning and education, and thus advance the demographic transition. It also highlighted key challenges such as data gaps and system coverage.

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Event #1: Population dynamics and social protection

Event #2: Population dynamics and food security

The second event in the “Let’s Talk Demography!” series, titled “How Will Everyone Be Fed?”, was held virtually on 18 April 2024. Dr. Nicola Martin, Catherina Hinz, and Dr. Elisabeth van den Akker explored the relationship between population dynamics and food security, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. The speakers highlighted the importance of considering demographic trends in food security strategies to reduce child mortality and improve the health of vulnerable groups, such as pregnant women and young children. Effective programming to improve food security, combined with education, employment, and gender equality, was discussed as a catalyst for the demographic transition.

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Event #2: Population dynamics and food security

Event #3: Population dynamics and employment promotion

In sub-Saharan Africa the number of working-age people is expected to triple in the next 50 years. Taking up the topic of employment promotion, the third event in the “Let’s Talk Demography!” series, titled “Good Jobs for Everyone?”, was held on 19 June 2024. Kathrin Oellers, Nele Disselkamp, and Felix Wünsche discussed the critical role of employment in combating poverty, especially in sub-Saharan Africa. The speakers highlighted the importance of creating dignified jobs, expanding social security, and promoting education and healthcare for a growing young population. The agricultural sector and agri-businesses were emphasised as key for job creation, particularly in rural regions and for young women, to support the demographic transition and socio-economic progress.

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Event #3: Population dynamics and employment promotion

Event #4: Population dynamics and Africa’s youth generation

Today, the African continent is home to the largest youth population in the world with children and youth under the age of 25 representing almost 60 percent of the total population. During the fourth event of the “Let’s Talk Demography!” series on 25 November 2024, titled “Africa’s Future is Young”, Susanne Ziegler-Wirtz, Kristin Neufeld, Felix Bwalya, and Serah Chapa took a closer look at these young people’s needs and priorities regarding their sexual and reproductive health and rights. During the discussion with the audience, investments in youth-friendly services as well as engaging communities, traditional leaders and service providers were identified as key measures to ensure that young people can make informed and empowered decisions for themselves, their families, and their communities.

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Event #4: Population dynamics and Africa’s youth generation

Upcoming event: Population dynamics and climate change

The next event in the “Let’s Talk Demography” series will be based on a fact sheet on the relationship between population dynamics and climate change, which will be scheduled in early 2025.

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Upcoming event: Population dynamics and climate change

If you would like to receive information about this and other future events in the series, please contact

Sector Initiative Population Dynamics and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights & Berlin Institute for Population and Development
December 2024

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