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One Health

Global Health And Bodily Autonomy A Short Film

Global Health and bodily autonomy- a short film by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

Poor sanitation comes with a cost – it affects the affected individuals’ and populations’ health status and their productivity. Zambia, for example, loses 1.3 percent of GDP due to public health impacts of poor sanitation which results in child malnutrition, illness and premature death.

Global Health and bodily autonomy- a short film by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) Mehr lesen

Participants of the “Breaking Barriers” event in front of Schloss Friedrichsfelde

“Breaking barriers” event at Tierpark Berlin places biodiversity conservation at the heart of One Health

‘I can see the barriers breaking already’, said Prof. Thomas Mettenleiter, founding co-chair of the One Health High-level Expert Panel (OHHLEP), as he welcomed 120 invited scientists, decision-makers and implementers to “Breaking barriers: Advancing the One Health agenda with a focus on the environment” in Schloss Friedrichsfelde, situated in the large and green Tierpark Berlin. 

“Breaking barriers” event at Tierpark Berlin places biodiversity conservation at the heart of One Health Mehr lesen

Human and animal health workers during bite investigation in Battambang

What does it take to put One Health into practice? A rabies prevention and control project in Cambodia tests out new ways of doing public health

Every year as many as 800 Cambodians die of rabies following dog bites. Breaking the cycle of disease is possible, but only when human and animal health workers join forces. A German-supported project is working with Cambodian partners to jointly implement rabies activities in the public sector for the first time.

What does it take to put One Health into practice? A rabies prevention and control project in Cambodia tests out new ways of doing public health Mehr lesen

Data on blood samples is entered into the SORMAS system via mobile phone

A critical juncture for SORMAS: from national to regional outlook and beyond

SORMAS (Surveillance Outbreak Response Management & Analysis System) is increasingly recognised as a digital system that can provide policy-relevant data and management support across the One Health domains – not only at local and national level, but potentially at regional and global levels too.

A critical juncture for SORMAS: from national to regional outlook and beyond Mehr lesen

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