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Digital transformation for pandemic-resilient health systems


The German Last Mile Initiative supports partners in five countries – Ghana, Malawi, Peru, Sierra Leone and Tanzania – to harness the power of digital technology in the fight against COVID-19. GIZ implements the financed measures through the Digital Innovation in Pandemic Control (DIPC) project. The project works with ministries of health to develop, maintain and use digital systems which can enhance the response to infectious disease outbreaks, including the distribution of vaccines, and develops software packages for pandemic control. It supports research to inform the design of digital ecosystems, as well as training and capacity building measures to ensure their sustainable use. Through these efforts, the project helps to make health systems more resilient and better able to control infectious disease outbreaks, as well as to mitigate their health, social and economic consequences.

  • Executing project: Global Programme Digital Transformation
  • Implementing organisation: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH 
  • Commissioned by: Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
  • Local partners: Ministry of Health Ghana, Ministry of Health Malawi, Ministry of Health Peru, Ministry of Health Sierra Leone, Ministry of Health Tanzania
  • Funding: EUR 10 m from Last Mile Initiative  
  • Contact:
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