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Enabling communities in Malawi to prevent the spread of COVID-19

06 Giz Malawi Ssp Sensitation Ralley (c) Giz, Falco Seliger

The German Last Mile Initiative supports the Government of Malawi to prevent and control the spread of COVID-19 in seven disaster-affected districts. GIZ implements the financed measures through the Social Protection Programme Malawi. In cooperation with local and national government partners, the programme is supporting a COVID-19 awareness campaign which encompasses theatre performances, radio shows, panel discussions and school quizzes. As part of the campaign, it also facilitates access to COVID-19 vaccinations through the Malawi German Health Programme. In addition, the programme is supporting the rehabilitation of hygiene and sanitation infrastructure, including pit latrines, boreholes and handwashing facilities, and providing supplies of soap, sanitiser and masks.

Executing project: Social Protection Programme Malawi
Implementing organisation: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH 
Commissioned by: Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
Local partner: Government at national and local level
Funding: EUR 1.25 m from Last Mile Initiative (in addition to EUR 4 m core funding)

© GIZ / Falco Seliger
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