The Partnership for Economic Inclusion (PEI) shares assessment of economic inclusion programmes in 75 countries
In times of COVID-19, economic inclusion of the poor and extremely poor is high on governments’ political agenda: What kind of interventions can foster and sustain poor households’ graduation out of poverty? A group of experts assessed 219 economic inclusion programmes in 75 countries. Findings provide insights for further scale-up of approaches that work.
Published on 19 January 2021, the State of Economic Inclusion report provides the first comprehensive overview of economic inclusion efforts around the world and of their impact. It serves as baseline for the Partnership for Economic Inclusion (PEI) and its multi donor trust fund which provides grant-based support for national level economic inclusion programmes as well as for mutual learning and innovation.
PEI focuses on combining social protection measures with measures for the economic inclusion of poor and socially vulnerable households. It brings together a broad community of practice from civil society, governments, development partners and UN agencies, all of whom bring expertise in economic inclusion programming and are keen on exchange with others.
Germany steps up as supporter of economic inclusion
The German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) is the largest contributor to the World Bank-based PEI multi donor trust fund which runs from 2019 to 2024. Other major contributors are Co-Impact, a network of philanthropists, and BRAC, the largest non-governmental organization engaged in social protection and poverty alleviation. With a targeted volume of 50 million USD, the PEI with its trust fund represents a new type of international cooperation and financing mechanism. In addition to supporting scale up of programmes to the national level, joint learning and global knowledge transfer are high on its agenda.
Launching the State of Economic Inclusion report: Join the online event
On January 26 at 4:30 pm CET (10:30 EST) the State of Economic Inclusion report will be launched in an online event featuring a panel of global and country voices under the leadership of Mamta Murti, Vice President, Human Development at the World Bank. It will be live streamed on YouTube, where viewers will have an opportunity to participate in discussion through the chat function and ask questions: