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Universal Health Coverage: From Promise to Practice

UHC Panel participants

The German International Cooperation (GIC) Forum on Health and Social Protection conference on Universal Health Coverage: From Promise to Practice was held in Germany on 26th and 27th August 2013. Two hundred and seven participants from five continents gathered at the Gustav-Stresemann Institute in Bonn, to discuss how to move from the promise of universal health coverage to its practical implementation.

The aim of the conference was to move beyond general theoretical discussions about what UHC is or should be, to its practical implementation. How can the rhetoric be made reality, with tangible, measurable results? How can UHC be implemented and financed?

Organised by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) on behalf of the German Ministry for Economic Co-operation and Development (BMZ), the forum was envisaged as a platform for policy-makers, practitioners and academics to discuss questions, challenges and controversial issues related to the various dimensions of UHC – universality, financial risk protection and delivering quality services. Experts from the private and public sectors, development agencies and the research community explored what the focus on UHC meant for their work, discuss successful examples and innovative approaches for tackling these practical challenges and demonstrate a new way of working.

To find out more, browse the conference programme and report.

Universal Health Coverage: From Promise to Practice - Report (2592 downloads ) Universal Health Coverage: From Promise to Practice - Programme (3189 downloads )
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