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A Joint Vision

The Joint Vision paper presents consensus on priorities to strengthen health systems

Download the Joint Vision here.

The Paper “Healthy systems for universal health coverage – a joint vision for healthy lives” constitutes a framework on health systems strengthening to promote UHC. The UHC2030 partnership regards it as key reference document for its work.

The development of the Joint Vision paper has been a dynamic and participatory consultation process to which more than 200 health actors from governments, NGOs, multilateral organisations and private foundations contributed. Together they built consensus on priorities, focussing attention on the need for a more coordinated and comprehensive approach that is aligned with national health priorities.

The Joint Vision proposes a framework for thinking about health systems strengthening which recognizes the often complex inter-dependencies between key performance dimensions of a health system – namely:

  • Equity
  • Quality
  • Responsiveness
  • Efficiency
  • Resilience

A central tenet of the Joint Vision is that improved health system performance requires national, regional, and global action in three interrelated policy areas: service delivery, health financing and governance:

Service Delivery

  • Expanding frontline services, particularly primary health care
  • Scaling up investment in skilled health workers
  • Improving access to medicines and health technologies
  • Innovating to meet the health needs of vulnerable and marginalised groups
  • Expanding engagement with non-state providers
  • Improving patient safety and quality of health services
  • Implementing International Health Regulations and service delivery models that promote resilience
  • Fostering multisectoral action to address the social determinants of health.

Health financing

  • Mobilising resources through progressive taxation and prioritising health, within a sustainable macroeconomic framework
  • Expanding pooling arrangements to improve financial protection for all
  • Strategic purchasing to increase efficiency of health spending, with a focus on public goods and public health.


  • Fostering citizens’ platforms and people’s voice mechanisms
  • Promoting freedom of information and expanded use of quality data
  • Adopting legal frameworks supporting access to quality health services
  • Developing policy dialogue platforms and multi-sectoral action
  • Promoting regional and global mechanisms for collective action and partnership
  • Strengthening research and development, including technology transfer mechanisms.

The Joint Vision recognizes that there is no ‘one size fits all’ approach – the mix of policies and approaches in each country will reflect the context as well as the outcomes of participatory policy development processes in that country. However, the following cross cutting principles underlie and inform health system strengthening efforts at the national, international and global levels, and are fully aligned with the guiding principles of UHC 2030:

  • Leaving no one behind: a commitment to equity, non-discrimination and a human rights based approach
  • Transparency and accountability for results
  • Evidence based national strategies and leadership
  • Making health systems everybody’s business with engagement of citizens, communities, civil society and private sector
  • International cooperation based on mutual learning across countries and development effectiveness principles
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