Based on its exÂpeÂriÂence in inÂteÂgratÂing popÂuÂlaÂtion dyÂnamÂics into deÂvelÂopÂment work, GerÂman deÂvelÂopÂment coÂopÂerÂaÂtion has preÂpared this handÂbook as a user-friendly tool for deÂvelÂopÂment proÂfesÂsionÂals, secÂtor exÂperts and deÂciÂsion-makÂers in partÂner counÂtries, as well as other inÂterÂested readÂers.
It outÂlines global and reÂgional popÂuÂlaÂtion trends, and preÂsents proven apÂproaches and pracÂtiÂcal exÂamÂples from GerÂman deÂvelÂopÂment coÂopÂerÂaÂtion, as well as reÂgional and secÂtoral enÂtry points for inÂteÂgratÂing popÂuÂlaÂtion dyÂnamÂics into deÂvelÂopÂment coÂopÂerÂaÂtion. Through pracÂtiÂcal inÂsights and hands-on tools, the handÂbook supÂports its readÂers in idenÂtiÂfyÂing the opÂporÂtuÂniÂties and chalÂlenges that deÂmoÂgraphic changes can preÂsent and in efÂfecÂtively facÂtorÂing these into the planÂning and imÂpleÂmenÂtaÂtion of deÂvelÂopÂment meaÂsures. The handÂbook conÂtains a wealth of useÂful facts and figÂures, links to esÂsenÂtial docÂuÂments and dataÂbases, as well as inÂforÂmaÂtive maps, graphÂics, charts and diÂaÂgrams.
This porÂtal inÂtroÂduces the main topÂics that can be exÂplored in more depth in the handÂbook itÂself.
A peek inÂside the population dynamics handÂbook
An iniÂtial Overview chapÂter briefly preÂsents the handÂbook and the guidÂing prinÂciÂples of GerÂman deÂvelÂopÂment coÂopÂerÂaÂtion conÂcernÂing popÂuÂlaÂtion dyÂnamÂics.
In Global and reÂgional popÂuÂlaÂtion trends, the handÂbook inÂtroÂduces the maÂjor trends that shape popÂuÂlaÂtion dyÂnamÂics toÂday: popÂuÂlaÂtion growth, ageÂing and moveÂment in the form of urÂbanÂiÂsaÂtion and miÂgraÂtion. It exÂamÂines how birth and death rates evolve over time and how as a reÂsult all soÂciÂeties pass through the deÂmoÂgraphic tranÂsiÂtion at difÂferÂent moÂments and at their own pace. The reader is also inÂtroÂduced to the ‘deÂmoÂgraphic divÂiÂdend’, a winÂdow of opÂporÂtuÂnity for a counÂtry to reap ecoÂnomic progress durÂing a peÂriod with lowÂered birth and death rates. The chapÂter goes on to preÂsent the evolvÂing deÂmoÂgraphic sitÂuÂaÂtion in five reÂgions – Asia; Latin AmerÂica and the Caribbean; the MidÂdle East and North Africa; EastÂern and SouthÂern EuÂrope; and sub-SaÂhaÂran Africa – and as a comÂparÂiÂson, in GerÂmany.
ApÂproaches and exÂamÂples from pracÂtice in GerÂman deÂvelÂopÂment coÂopÂerÂaÂtion outÂlines the role of popÂuÂlaÂtion dyÂnamÂics for the manÂageÂment of biÂlatÂeral coÂopÂerÂaÂtion and in the planÂning and imÂpleÂmenÂtaÂtion of deÂvelÂopÂment meaÂsures. It also preÂsents step by step tried and tested apÂproaches of GerÂman deÂvelÂopÂment coÂopÂerÂaÂtion, ilÂlusÂtrated by conÂcrete exÂamÂples of pracÂtice from difÂferÂent counÂtries and secÂtors.
PopÂuÂlaÂtion dyÂnamÂics and seÂlected secÂtors of GerÂman deÂvelÂopÂment coÂopÂerÂaÂtion looks at how popÂuÂlaÂtion size, strucÂture and disÂtriÂbÂuÂtion imÂpact on speÂcific doÂmains, and how these in turn inÂfluÂence deÂmogÂraÂphy. It exÂamÂines huÂman rights and genÂder; health; edÂuÂcaÂtion; susÂtainÂable ecoÂnomic deÂvelÂopÂment; soÂcial proÂtecÂtion; miÂgraÂtion and disÂplaceÂment; rural deÂvelÂopÂment and food and nuÂtriÂtion seÂcuÂrity; deÂcenÂtralÂiÂsaÂtion and urÂban deÂvelÂopÂment; cliÂmate and reÂsource utilÂiÂsaÂtion; and reÂliÂgion. For each field there are pracÂtiÂcal recÂomÂmenÂdaÂtions reÂgardÂing the asÂpects needÂing parÂticÂuÂlar atÂtenÂtion in polÂicy and proÂgramme planÂning.
PopÂuÂlaÂtion data takes an in-depth look at deÂmoÂgraphic data as the esÂsenÂtial baÂsis for polÂicy and proÂgramme planÂning. They proÂvide inÂforÂmaÂtion on birth and death rates, popÂuÂlaÂtion strucÂture, inÂcludÂing age, sex and other charÂacÂterÂisÂtics, and reÂflect popÂuÂlaÂtion disÂtriÂbÂuÂtion and denÂsity in varÂiÂous reÂgions, urÂbanÂiÂsaÂtion trends or inÂterÂnaÂtional miÂgraÂtion. DeÂspite many counÂtries’ efÂforts to imÂprove the data sitÂuÂaÂtion, there conÂtinue to be maÂjor data gaps that make it difÂfiÂcult to deÂterÂmine the curÂrent sitÂuÂaÂtion or gauge the progress made toÂwards imÂpleÂmentÂing the 2030 Agenda. A funÂdaÂmenÂtal source of popÂuÂlaÂtion data are rouÂtine data sysÂtems such as for Civil RegÂisÂtraÂtion and ViÂtal StaÂtisÂtics (CRVS). PracÂtiÂcal tips for supÂportÂing data sysÂtems inÂdiÂcate what needs to be taken into acÂcount in the proÂducÂtion, inÂterÂpreÂtaÂtion and use of popÂuÂlaÂtion data.
The AnÂnex inÂcludes an inÂdex of techÂniÂcal conÂcepts, the conÂtacts of key acÂtors for popÂuÂlaÂtion data in nearly 100 counÂtries worldÂwide, and the comÂplete list of sources for the handÂbook.