A global movement for health systems strengthening for UHC
Germany has supported UHC2030 from its beginnings, both as member of its Steering Committee and through technical and financial support for important strategic initiatives. It had been a founding member of its predecessor organisation, the International Health Partnership Plus (IHP+), which, in 2007, set out to implement the Aid Effectiveness Agenda for the health-related Millennium Development Goals.
Healthy systems for healthy lives
In response to the Sustainable Development Agenda, in 2016, Germany led the Partnership’s joint development of the strategy paper Healthy systems for universal health coverage – a joint vision for healthy lives. This vision created a common understanding of health system strengthening for UHC, defining both principles and political levers. On this basis IHP+ transformed into UHC2030 and expanded its scope to include health systems strengthening to achieve universal health coverage.
The largest multi-stakeholder partnership for UHC
With over 130 members, UHC2030 is today the largest global multi-stakeholder partnership for health system strengthening for Universal Health Coverage (UHC). It supports a coherent contribution of all partners and networks to SDG 3.8 by amplifying voices, by promoting collaboration and by strengthening knowledge and networks for UHC.
The UHC2030 partners include high- and low-income countries, multilateral organisations, private foundations, as well as civil society and private sector organisations. As such, the partnership brings together key UHC interest groups to build consensus on the overarching guiding principles of the global UHC debate.
Global Action Plan for Healthy Lives and Well-being
Germany supported UHC2030 in playing a proactive role in the development of the Global Action Plan for Healthy Lives and Well-being for All. As a consequence, the UHC2030 Global Compact and the Seven behaviours for health development effectiveness were put at its core.
Key asks of the global movement for UHC
In the run-up to the UN High-Level Meeting on UHC in 2019, UHC2030 consolidated a set of action-oriented key asks of the global movement for UHC to mobilise the highest political support for UHC as the cornerstone to achieving SDG3 and uniting other health agendas under a common theme. The key asks serve as guiding recommendations for achieving UHC by 2030.
Involving the private sector
UHC2030 also convened multiple stakeholders, including Germany, to generate consensus on the role of the private sector in achieving UHC. The UHC2030 Private Sector Constituency Statement highlights how the private sector can effectively contribute to UHC and work together with other stakeholders to achieve better health and well-being for all people at all ages.
As of March 2020